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When it comes to grooming ourselves, we should also include trimming our nails. In doing so, we can ...

We may not give much thought about washing our hands with soap and water, and there might even be ti...

Good health is essential for us to live a happy and quality life. For World Health Day, let us choos...

According to the European Society of Cardiology or ESC, people who drink tea at least thrice a week ...

It can be challenging to interact with a loved one who has dementia, but you need to keep in mind th...

Keeping good hygiene can help prevent diseases caused by viruses and bacteria, and may also help kee...

Newborns need to undergo screening to detect medical conditions that might affect their long-term he...

Loneliness does not discriminate based on age. Seniors are particularly vulnerable and therefore nee...

There are three elements of fitness that your child can easily do. These are: Endurance – acti...